Material Handling

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Dilution Is The Solution

In the last few blogs we’ve been discussing things that could improve your business this spring. Let’s not forget that businesses only run if they have employees to get the job done! Because of this, Omega thinks it’s extremely important to keep your employees safe and healthy especially in the summer months. Dehydration is something to keep in mind when you have employees working outside and in overheated warehouses. Dehydration can cause you and your company a lot of problems. If your employees can’t do their job you will have customers that are left unsatisfied and upset!
How Much Do You Know?

1.     What is the first sign of dehydration?
a.     Dry mouth, and increased thirst

b.    Lack of urination
c.      Tiredness
2.     Is a headache sign of dehydration?
a.     Yes
b.     No
3.     Dehydration can cause employees to feel                          in the office.
a.     Ecstatic
b.     Dizzy and tired
c.      Angry and hostile

Get This…
We’ve all heard the term dehydration, and I’m sure most of us know exactly what it is and that it's brought about by a lack of water in the body. However, I would also venture to say that most of us probably don’t know how many cups of water a day we should be drinking to stay hydrated, especially in the summer. In fact, it’s reported that 75 percent of people fall short on their daily water consumption! Check out this awesome hydration calculator to ensure you're consuming enough water!  

Can You Answer This Question???
The signs of dehydration between children and adults can differ greatly.
A.     True
B.     False

The answer is A! Although adults and children may share some signs of dehydration they can also display very different symptoms. This is important to keep in mind if you think someone you know is dehydrated!

Get The Facts!
Although the symptoms of dehydration may seem pretty obvious, some may be a little more vague. Some of the most common symptoms of dehydration in adults include:
·      Abnormal fatigue
·      Dizziness
·      Confusion
·      Lack of urine
·      Dark-colored urine
·      Being extremely thirsty
·      Headaches

Our bodies are incredibly dependent on water; I mean it does make up 60 percent of who we are! However, as we get older it becomes harder for our bodies to reserve water. Adults also seem to be less aware of how thirsty they are than young children. Some of this is brought on by the stresses of daily life, but that’s why it’s so important to make sure that you’re consuming the recommended amount of water each day.  Eight glasses of eight ounces of water is the recommended amount of water an adult should drink to stay hydrated and healthy! Which brings up another good point, drinking water is just healthy in general. Drinking water throughout the day can make you more alert, can help your body rid toxins, and can even help you lose weight! So as you can see there are many benefits to increasing your water consumption; heck it can’t hurt!

…So Call
In the midst of making sure that you are consuming the correct amount of water each day if you find yourself in need of any material handling services give us a call! 513-842-2012

Answers: 1/A, 2/A, 3/B&C, 4/A

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