Material Handling

Monday, May 1, 2017

Organization Is The Key To Efficiency

In the last blog we touched upon the fact that being organized can aide companies and individuals in being more productive. When we talk about being organized we typically think of physical objects that we are putting in some sort of order. However, the first step to organization is a mental process rather than a physical one. Once we get the mental preparation and motivation down, we can then focus on organization’s physical aspect.

How Much Do You Know?

1.     Organized people typically share certain characteristics?
a.     True
b.     False
2.     What is the first step in organizing your office?
a.     Establishing work zones
b.     Purging of papers and unused items
c.      Revise your filing system
3.     Why is establishing work zones important?
a.     Because then everyone knows where everything can be found
b.     It keeps employees out of each other’s business
c.      Work zones keep employees on task
4.     Making a "meeting" folder can ensure important topics are discussed and not forgotten.
a.     True
b.     False

Get This…
Think about the most organized person you know. What sort of qualities and characteristics do they possess? Often times organized people share many of the same qualities. Generally when we see someone who possesses these qualities we assume that they come naturally. However, there are some things we as unorganized people can do to live a more productive lifestyle. Below are three things that can help us all become more efficient and organized in everyday life.
1.     Be prepared in advance:
·      This can be difficult for many of us, but if a little time is taken at the end of each day to plan for the next, we can mentally prepare for what is ahead.
·      It sounds simple, but making a list is a great way to do this!
2.     Schedule you time:
·      This may seem similar to our first point, but once you’ve determined what needs to be accomplished the next day, you can then begin setting aside adequate times to complete each activity. This can be used in your personal life as well as your professional life.
·      Time blocking cannot only make you feel more efficient, but empowered! Feeling empowered can make you more confident, and can increase peoples’ self esteem.
3.     Get up early:
·      For many of us, the hardest part of being productive, is getting the day started! The earlier you get up the more you can accomplish in a day.
·      This also gives you more time to reflect on everything you need to accomplish during the day, and gives you time to do some additional planning.
A chart similar to this one can help you visualize your organizational goals. A helpful website is:

Can You Answer This Question???
Do more organized people tend to take advantage of technology, or keep things old school?
A.     They take advantage of technology!
B.     It doesn’t matter as long as you’re organized.
C.     They keep things old school!

If you chose A then you are correct! Technology isn’t always a positive, but it can aid in organization. For example, technology can help to keep notes and e-mails incredibly organized and spam free.

Get The Facts!
It’s pretty apparent that technology is taking over today’s society. Although many of us feel bogged down by technology it can be helpful in some circumstances. There are also some other aspects in which using technology can help keep things organized, especially in the office. It may seem obvious, but putting paper files on your computer can save a lot of space! You can then make a file for each individual customer, which is easy to access and legible.  Another great idea is to create a "waiting for response" file, it can be incredibly beneficial for open accounts! Keeping your files technology based can also allow you to sort mail on the spot. Just make sure to back up your files on a consistent basis!!!!!

 …So Call Us!
Although we can’t physically help you organize your office hopefully these tips will come in handy! Thanks for tuning into our blog! For any material handling questions give us a call at (513) 842-2012.

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