Material Handling

Friday, December 29, 2017

Office Ergonomics

I don’t know about you guys, but I feel like I spend the majority of my time at work. Not only do I spend a lot of time at work, but I spend most of my day sitting. This is unfortunate because my body stays stagnant most of the day. This can be unhealthy for multiple reasons. The thing that bothers me the most about sitting all day is the way it makes my back feel all hunched over and contorted. Because of this I thought that it would be beneficial to do a blog on office ergonomics (an applied science concerned with designing and arranging things people use so that the people and things interact most efficiently and safely).

1.     Keeping good posture can improve your mood and attitude.
a.      True
b.     False
2.     Bad sitting posture can lead to…
a.      Bad standing posture
b.     Back ache
c.      Varicose veins
d.     All of the above
3.     Exercising even when you aren’t at work can help with your posture at work.
a.      True
b.     False
4.     Does posture correlate with work productivity?
a.      Yes, having good posture can make you more efficient.
b.     No, you can be just as productive if you are slouched and hunched over at your desk.

Get This…
Did you know that bad posture can lead to increased amounts of stress? This all stems from the fact that bad posture makes it harder for us to breath, making our bodies work harder than they should. This ultimately causes stress. Being able to breath correctly and using deep breathing exercises not only reduces stress, but also helps to decrease blood pressure! All of which are good things for your body. So sit up straight and let the oxygen flow through you!

Can You Answer This Question???
What is the best way to counteract poor posture at work?
A.    By making sure you stay as still as possible, with good posture.
B.    By allowing yourself to get up and stretch out often.
The answer to this question may seem obvious, but then why don’t we actually do it more often? The answer to this question is A. Allowing our bodies to get up and move around will keep us from sinking into poor posture, and from getting sore. It may not be possible, but it’s recommended to take a two-minute break every 30 minutes. During these two minutes it’s a good idea to take a lap around the office or to do some desk stretches. Allowing your body time to move around and stretch out will help your posture and your mood! 


Get The Facts!
I’m assuming we’ve all seen the commercials for the treadmill desk. While this commercial is almost laughable the concept is actually pretty smart. The treadmill desk may not be for everyone, but a standing desk, or even a better chair can help with posture and back pain! The options are nearly endless when it comes to chairs that decrease back pain. If you don’t have the means to purchase a new office chair, don’t fret, you can adjust your current chair! Placing a pillow between your chair and your lower back, also known as your lumbar, can make a huge difference in keeping good posture throughout the day! 

…So Call
As always, if you have any other suggestions on how to decrease back pain and poor posture tell us in the comments!

For any forklift and industrial shelving needs or questions call us (513) 842-2012! Thanks for checking out our blog!

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