Material Handling

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Happy + Motivated = Productive

We’ve all had jobs we love, and ones we hate. Of course, some of this has to do with the actual tasks we are hired to perform. Other times our love, or lack thereof, for a job is formed by the surrounding atmosphere. Co-workers can play a large part in forming the atmosphere of a company, but management also plays a huge part in forming the overall vibe of a company. 

How Much Do You Know?
1.     Job security and happiness go hand in hand.
a.     True
b.     False
2.     What percentage of work itself has to do with job satisfaction?
a.     25%
b.     50%
c.     75%
3.     What kind of employees are the most productive?
a.     Employees that just want to get things done and get out.
b.     Employees that are happy and enjoy their job.
c.     Employees that are grateful to have their jobs, but don’t necessarily enjoy the work.
4.     The happiest career in America in 2013 was...
a.     A Salesman
b.     A Restaurant Owner
c.     A Professional Cheerleader
d.     A Biotechnology Worker  

Get This…
It seems like employees would be easy to please, especially if they’re paid well, in actuality this is not the case. Just think, if you’re spending forty plus hours a week at work it might take more to keep you happy. Below is a list of a few things that employees say are most important to them.
1.     Relationship with supervisor
2.     Job security
3.     Benefits
4.     Compensation and pay
5.     Chance to use skills
6.     Feeling safe
7.     The actual work
8.     Independence
9.     Corporate culture
10.  Work-life balance

Can You Answer This Question???
A happy employee, opposed to an unhappy employee, is about______% more productive, and reduces staff turnover by______%.
A.    20, 87
B.    15, 75
C.    35, 37
According to an article written in 2013 having happy employees can make a world of difference within your company. They not only have a good attitude about what they are doing, but their attitude is contagious and spreads to customers and other employees! If you chose A then you are correct!

 Get The Facts!
It’s clear that having happy employees can really improve a business’s environment and a business in general. So wouldn’t it be beneficial if owners, managers, and leaders of a company know what makes thier employees happy? John Maxwell describes leadership as “…influence, nothing more, nothing less.” However, the way in which you influence someone can change the outcome of a situation greatly. So here are some traits that make for good leadership:
1.     Honesty: This makes employees feel like they know you, and can relate to you.
2.     Passion: Being passionate about the things you love shows, and that can influence others to help you reach your goals.
3.     Respect: It’s important for all employees to be treated fairly and equally.
4.     Confidence: Confidence can be very persuasive; if you don’t believe you can do it, nobody else will either.
5.     Clarity: This is important to figure out who and what kind of leader you are. It is also important to be clear when asking things of your employees.
6.     Engagement: Not only does a leader need to be engaged, but so do your employees, so give them challenging tasks, and ask their opinions.
7.     Communicative: It’s important to communicate your vision, your thoughts, and your expectations.
8.     Supportive: Create a positive environment that allows and encourages your employees to flourish. 

If you have any other suggestions, or any books on how to be a good leader drop them in the comments! We'd love to hear your opinion!

…So Call

For all your forklift and industrial shelving needs give us a call: (513) 842-2012, or send us an e-mail:

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