Material Handling

Friday, December 29, 2017

Office Ergonomics

I don’t know about you guys, but I feel like I spend the majority of my time at work. Not only do I spend a lot of time at work, but I spend most of my day sitting. This is unfortunate because my body stays stagnant most of the day. This can be unhealthy for multiple reasons. The thing that bothers me the most about sitting all day is the way it makes my back feel all hunched over and contorted. Because of this I thought that it would be beneficial to do a blog on office ergonomics (an applied science concerned with designing and arranging things people use so that the people and things interact most efficiently and safely).

1.     Keeping good posture can improve your mood and attitude.
a.      True
b.     False
2.     Bad sitting posture can lead to…
a.      Bad standing posture
b.     Back ache
c.      Varicose veins
d.     All of the above
3.     Exercising even when you aren’t at work can help with your posture at work.
a.      True
b.     False
4.     Does posture correlate with work productivity?
a.      Yes, having good posture can make you more efficient.
b.     No, you can be just as productive if you are slouched and hunched over at your desk.

Get This…
Did you know that bad posture can lead to increased amounts of stress? This all stems from the fact that bad posture makes it harder for us to breath, making our bodies work harder than they should. This ultimately causes stress. Being able to breath correctly and using deep breathing exercises not only reduces stress, but also helps to decrease blood pressure! All of which are good things for your body. So sit up straight and let the oxygen flow through you!

Can You Answer This Question???
What is the best way to counteract poor posture at work?
A.    By making sure you stay as still as possible, with good posture.
B.    By allowing yourself to get up and stretch out often.
The answer to this question may seem obvious, but then why don’t we actually do it more often? The answer to this question is A. Allowing our bodies to get up and move around will keep us from sinking into poor posture, and from getting sore. It may not be possible, but it’s recommended to take a two-minute break every 30 minutes. During these two minutes it’s a good idea to take a lap around the office or to do some desk stretches. Allowing your body time to move around and stretch out will help your posture and your mood! 


Get The Facts!
I’m assuming we’ve all seen the commercials for the treadmill desk. While this commercial is almost laughable the concept is actually pretty smart. The treadmill desk may not be for everyone, but a standing desk, or even a better chair can help with posture and back pain! The options are nearly endless when it comes to chairs that decrease back pain. If you don’t have the means to purchase a new office chair, don’t fret, you can adjust your current chair! Placing a pillow between your chair and your lower back, also known as your lumbar, can make a huge difference in keeping good posture throughout the day! 

…So Call
As always, if you have any other suggestions on how to decrease back pain and poor posture tell us in the comments!

For any forklift and industrial shelving needs or questions call us (513) 842-2012! Thanks for checking out our blog!

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Happy + Motivated = Productive

We’ve all had jobs we love, and ones we hate. Of course, some of this has to do with the actual tasks we are hired to perform. Other times our love, or lack thereof, for a job is formed by the surrounding atmosphere. Co-workers can play a large part in forming the atmosphere of a company, but management also plays a huge part in forming the overall vibe of a company. 

How Much Do You Know?
1.     Job security and happiness go hand in hand.
a.     True
b.     False
2.     What percentage of work itself has to do with job satisfaction?
a.     25%
b.     50%
c.     75%
3.     What kind of employees are the most productive?
a.     Employees that just want to get things done and get out.
b.     Employees that are happy and enjoy their job.
c.     Employees that are grateful to have their jobs, but don’t necessarily enjoy the work.
4.     The happiest career in America in 2013 was...
a.     A Salesman
b.     A Restaurant Owner
c.     A Professional Cheerleader
d.     A Biotechnology Worker  

Get This…
It seems like employees would be easy to please, especially if they’re paid well, in actuality this is not the case. Just think, if you’re spending forty plus hours a week at work it might take more to keep you happy. Below is a list of a few things that employees say are most important to them.
1.     Relationship with supervisor
2.     Job security
3.     Benefits
4.     Compensation and pay
5.     Chance to use skills
6.     Feeling safe
7.     The actual work
8.     Independence
9.     Corporate culture
10.  Work-life balance

Can You Answer This Question???
A happy employee, opposed to an unhappy employee, is about______% more productive, and reduces staff turnover by______%.
A.    20, 87
B.    15, 75
C.    35, 37
According to an article written in 2013 having happy employees can make a world of difference within your company. They not only have a good attitude about what they are doing, but their attitude is contagious and spreads to customers and other employees! If you chose A then you are correct!

 Get The Facts!
It’s clear that having happy employees can really improve a business’s environment and a business in general. So wouldn’t it be beneficial if owners, managers, and leaders of a company know what makes thier employees happy? John Maxwell describes leadership as “…influence, nothing more, nothing less.” However, the way in which you influence someone can change the outcome of a situation greatly. So here are some traits that make for good leadership:
1.     Honesty: This makes employees feel like they know you, and can relate to you.
2.     Passion: Being passionate about the things you love shows, and that can influence others to help you reach your goals.
3.     Respect: It’s important for all employees to be treated fairly and equally.
4.     Confidence: Confidence can be very persuasive; if you don’t believe you can do it, nobody else will either.
5.     Clarity: This is important to figure out who and what kind of leader you are. It is also important to be clear when asking things of your employees.
6.     Engagement: Not only does a leader need to be engaged, but so do your employees, so give them challenging tasks, and ask their opinions.
7.     Communicative: It’s important to communicate your vision, your thoughts, and your expectations.
8.     Supportive: Create a positive environment that allows and encourages your employees to flourish. 

If you have any other suggestions, or any books on how to be a good leader drop them in the comments! We'd love to hear your opinion!

…So Call

For all your forklift and industrial shelving needs give us a call: (513) 842-2012, or send us an e-mail:

Thursday, November 30, 2017

What's Right For You?

If you’ve ever read our blog before, then you know not all forklifts are the same. Forklifts are created to suit a variety of needs for a variety of businesses, large and small. Knowing this one may wonder how to choose a forklift that fits their business. Well this blog will cover some of the basics on choosing a forklift that is best for you!

How Much Do You Know?

1.     It is important to consider fuel type when choosing a forklift?
a.     Yes, because you need to be able to properly charge or fuel your forklift.
b.     No, it’s simple to accommodate for the fueling and charging of a forklift.
2.     What is one of the most important measurements you can take before purchasing a forklift?
a.     The measurements of the forklift itself, in addition to lift height.
b.     The measurements of all doors the forklift will be passing through.
c.     The measurements of the shelving the forklift will be placing things on.
d.     All of the above.
3.     It’s important to know if you want something new or used.
a.     True
b.     False
4.     It is never a bad idea to have your own, or a third-party mechanic check out the forklift before purchase.
a.     True
b.     False
Get This…
Purchasing a forklift is not an easy feat. Purchasing your first forklift can be even more difficult. When purchasing a forklift there are some key things you should take into consideration. Below is a list that will aid you in the purchase of your forklift!
1.     Environment: A businesses’ environment strongly influences what type of forklift will work best for you. Some things to keep in mind are floor type and condition, whether the forklift will be outside or inside, and how big is the space that you have.
2.     Weight Capacity/Load Size: You don’t want to purchase a forklift that won’t be able to lift the things you need it to. So looking at what type of material you will be lifting the weight of that material and the size of that material is very important. From there you can determine what your forklift’s weight capacity needs to be.
3.     Height: Height is incredibly important. You want to make sure your forklift can reach all your shelving, while at the same time is able to fit through the doorways and garage doors that enclose your building.
4.     Tires: Some forklift tires are made for indoor use, while others are made for outdoor use.
5.     Fuel Type: There are three main fuel types that forklifts can use: LP, gas, and electric. Knowing your surrounding area is very important in determining which fuel type you will choose. In addition, fuel type can play a role in current and future costs that one will incur.
6.     New or Used: Knowing if a new or used forklift is right for the job you need is also an important factor, and can strongly influence cost!
Can You Answer This Question???
When discussing forklifts which part of the forklift does the word “ergonomics” typically refer to?
A.    The Forks
B.    The Engine
C.    The Seat
Ergonomics is defined by Webster as, “an applied science concerned with designing and arranging things people use so that the people and things interact most efficiently and safely.” I suppose this definition could fit with almost any of these answers, but the correct answer is C. Seats that utilize ergonomics, and are easily adjusted can help operators work for long periods of time and prevent back injuries.

Get The Facts!
Figuring out what type of forklift suits your companies needs is incredibly important, but almost equally important is making sure you have of age, certified drivers! Making sure your drivers are properly certified is not only the law, but it will save you a ton of hassle in the long run. Having properly certified drivers decreases the risk of accidents and injuries, and ensures that you will not be fined by OSHA.
…So Call
At Omega we can help you with all sorts of forklift inquiries and needs. Let us know what you’re looking for, and we’ll find it! We also offer forklift driver training classes! So if you are in need of our expertise, don’t be afraid to reach out. Our number is (513) 842-2012.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Beat (dia) Betes This November

Diabetes is becoming a larger and larger problem in America. It seems that so many people are letting their health slip between the cracks. It’s hard to focus on health when we are so consumed with other things like work, relationships, and extracurriculars. With so many of us falling into this category November has been named Diabetes Awareness Month. Although many of us feel as if we don’t have time to focus on health, with a little planning, and healthier lunches we can not only improve our health, but also reduce our risk of diabetes!

How Much Do You Know?
1.     There are different types of diabetes and they typically occur at different stages of life.
a.     True
b.     False
2.     What is Diabetes?
a.     Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which a person has high blood glucose (sugar).
b.     Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which a person has low blood glucose (sugar).
3.     Type 1 Diabetes is more common than type 2 diabetes.
a.     True
b.     False
Get This…
Diabetes can sneak up on you, but there are symptoms to look out for if you think that you or someone you love may have diabetes!
·       Excessive thirst
·       Insatiable hunger
·       Frequent urination
·       Ketones in the urine
·       Random weight loss
·       Fatigue
·       Blurry vision
·       Irritability
·       Frequent infections
·       Slow healing sores 

Can You Answer This Question???

What is the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes?
B.     Type 2 diabetes is known as early-onset diabetes and normally comes about in a person’s teenage years, and type 1 diabetes is normally diagnosed in adulthood.
Some forms of diabetes come about during childhood and others during adulthood, so if you chose answer A then you are correct! It is reported that 10% of diabetes cases are type 1 while 90% consist of type 2!

Being overweight and inactive can heighten your chances of getting type 2 diabetes by a great deal. In fact the Imperial College of London found that people who drink 1 regular pop a day have a 20% higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes! If you believe you are at risk, or have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, make a change! Below are diabetic friendly recipes that would make great packed lunches or dinners!

Beef and Vegetable Kabobs
·       1 pound boneless sirloin steak, trimmed and cut into 1-inch cubes
·       8 (1-inch) pieces yellow bell pepper (about 1 pepper)
Beef and Vegetable Kebabs·       8 small mushrooms (about 4 ounces)
·       8 (1-inch) pieced green onions (about 2)  
·       8 cherry tomatoes
·       1 teaspoon kosher salt
·       ½ teaspoon dried thyme
·       ¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
·       cooking spray
·       2 teaspoons canola oil
Preheat broiler, divide the first 5 ingredients evenly among 4 (12 inch) skewers, and sprinkle with salt, thyme, and black pepper. Place on a broiler pan coated with cooking spray; drizzle kebabs with oil. Broil 10 minutes or until desired degree of doneness, turning once.

Lemon Chicken Pita
·       ½ cup chopped green onions
·       1/3 cup Italian-seasoned breadcrumbs
·       1 tablespoon Moroccan or Greek seasoning blend
Lemon Chicken Pita Burgers with Spiced Yogurt Sauce·       ½ teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper               
·       2 large egg whites, lightly beaten                             
·       1 pound ground chicken
·       2 teaspoons grated lemon rind, divided
·       1 tablespoon olive oil
·       ½ cup plain low-fat yogurt
·       1 ½ teaspoons chopped fresh oregano
·       4 (6-inch) pitas, cut in half
·       2 cups shredded lettuce
·       ½ cup diced tomato
Combine first 6 ingredients; add 1 teaspoon rind, stirring well. Divide mixture into 8 equal portions, shaping each into ¼-inch thick oval patties. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add patties; cook 2 minutes on each side or until browned. Cover, reduce heat to medium, and cook 4 minutes. Combine remaining 1 teaspoon rind, yogurt, and oregano, stirring well. Fill each pits half with 1 patty, 1 tablespoon yogurt mixture, ¼ cup lettuce, and 1 tablespoon tomato. 

Poblano, Mango, and Black Bean Quesadillas
·       1 teaspoon olive oil
·       1 ½ cups pre-sliced onion
Poblano, Mango, and Black Bean Quesadillas·       ½ teaspoon dried oregano
·       ¼ teaspoon salt
·       1/8 teaspoon black pepper
·       1 poblano chile, seeded and chopped    
·       1 (15 ounce) can black beans, rinsed and drained
·       1 cup jarred, sliced, peeled mango (or fresh)
·       1/3 cup cubed peeled avocado
·       4 (8 inch) fat- free flour tortillas
·       cooking spray
·       ½ cup (2 ounces) shredded reduced fat, sharp cheddar cheese
Preheat broiler. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add onion, oregano, salt, pepper, and poblano; sauté 5 minutes or until onion is tender. Add beans; cook 1 minute or until heated. Remove from heat; stir in mango and avocado. Place flour tortillas on baking sheet coated with cooking spray. Arrange about ¾ cup bean mixture on half of each tortilla, leaving a ½ inch border. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons cheddar cheese over bean mixture, and fold tortilla in half. Lightly coat tortillas with cooking spray. Broil 3 minutes or until cheddar cheese melts. 

 Apple Spinach Salad
Autumn Apple and Spinach Salad·       2 tablespoons fresh orange juice
·       2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
·       2 teaspoons Dijon mustard                                
·       2 teaspoons honey
·       ¼ teaspoon salt
·       1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
·       ½ cup thinly vertically sliced red onion
·       8 cups bagged prewashed baby spinach (8 ounces)
·       1 larger, firm, sweet-tart apple, cored and thinly sliced
·       ¼ cup (1 ounce) crumbled blue cheese
Combine first 6 ingredients, stirring well with a whisk. Combine onion, spinach, and apple in a large bowl. Drizzle with dressing; toss gently to coat. Sprinkle with cheese.

These recipes were found on 

…So Call
We aren’t dietitians and most of this information was found on Medical News Today, but if you have any questions about forklifts give us a jingle (513) 842-2012!