batteries, batteries, what else can I say? They’re a wonderful invention but
can cause a lot of harm and distress if dealt with incorrectly. Know that you’re
dealing with your industrial batteries the correct way! Our blog can help!
Much Do You Know?
1. What
kind of water is needed to charge your forklift’s battery?
a. Distilled
b. Clean
water with a low level of minerals
c. Well
2. Battery
cells should be watered before the battery is charged.
a. True
b. False
3. It
is important to make sure that your forklift battery and charger are…
a. The
same brand
b. Equipped
to handle the same voltage
c. The
same size
4. Battery
acid is only found in a liquid form.
a. True
b. False
Did you know that proper charging of your battery can
expand its lifespan? Overcharging your forklifts battery is similar to
overcharging your cell phone. In fact, overcharging of industrial batteries is
one of the main factors in a shortened lifespan. Although it may seem like a
good idea to charge your forklift’s battery every evening, or when it is
convenient, this is not the case. You never want to charge your forklift’s
battery if it still has above 30% of
its charge. In addition, you should never interrupt the charging cycle of your
forklift; allow the battery to charge for a full eight hours. This will help to
distribute the battery acid properly.
Disclaimer!!!! It is incredibly important to make
sure that the charging wires and hookups for your forklift are not only
compatible, but in good condition. Frayed wires and connectors can create
sparks and cause a lot of damage!

Can You Answer This Question???
Do you have to add water to your forklift battery?
A. What?
B. Yes
C. No
Unless you are using a maintenance-free battery, which
requires little to no maintenance, you will have to occasionally add water to
your forklift battery. Why even add water, you may ask? Charging your battery
causes it to heat up and this causes water to evaporate from the battery. Adding
water about every five charges is necessary to keep the battery’s fluid levels
in check and working properly. To check the battery’s fluid levels, open the
battery and check a couple of the cells. You want the battery’s water level to
be just high enough to cover the plastic battery element. While maintaining
fluid levels is important make sure not to over saturate your battery. However,
the most important element to adding water to your battery is the water itself.
It is imperative that distilled or filtered water is added to your battery.
Using water that contains a lot of particles can cause your battery irreparable
The Facts!
Out of all the things in life, who would’ve thought
that batteries are temperature sensitive, especially when they are used in such
extreme conditions. But they are! Using electric forklifts in various climates
is a must, but when storing batteries, it is imperative to make sure that they
are stored in a location that does not exceed 113 degrees F. Keeping your
battery in a safe cool environment will once again help to prolong its life!

…So Call
Omega sells and services a wide range of electric forklifts and material handling equipment. If you need any addition information or help do not hesitate to contact us at (513) 842-2012, or
Multiple Choice Answer: 1/B (used to be A, now things have changed), 2-5/B
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