Material Handling

Thursday, February 8, 2018

A World Without Forklifts

Just imagine a world without forklifts? Nearly everything we purchase and consume has been touched by a forklift at some point. When you think about it forklifts are consistently taken for granted. But do you ever find yourself wondering why forklifts were invented in the first place? Well, read on to find out!  

How Much Do You Know?
1.     What year was the first forklift created?
a.     1910
b.     1917
c.     1925
2.     What was the first forklift called?                                             
a.     Tructractor
b.     Lift truck
c.     Liftractor
3.     Who is credited with introducing the first forklift?
a.     Baker
b.     Yale
c.     Clark

Get This…
The first forklift was created in 1917 and made for sale in 1918. Clark, which is still a reputable forklift manufacturer is often credited with this invention. The first forklift was not much of a forklift at all. It was called a tructractor and didn’t even utilize forks! However, it was used to haul wooden crates and other materials by setting them on the front of the truck. There were a select few companies interested in the tructractor for personal use, but what really caused the tructractor to gain popularity was WW1, where it was used to transport heavy materials such as guns and explosives.


Can You Answer This Question???
How many wheels did the tructractor have?
A.    2
B.    3
C.    4
The tructractor had a similar steering strategy as a modern-day forklift. The tructractor did however only have three wheels, but still utilized rear wheel drive. Only having three wheels allowed the tructractor to make tighter turns. The only issue with steering the tructractor is that it went in the opposite direction as the wheel was turned, causing confusion for many operators.

 Get The Facts!
As time went on more and more people saw an opportunity in forklift manufacturing. While new, and foreign manufacturers have occupied the forklift industry most of the original manufacturers still persist in today’s world of forklifts like, Clark, Hyster, and Crown. Even in today’s society forklifts are evolving and changing. New technologies have allowed forklifts to be incredibly productive and precise and will continue to be ever evolving. 

…So Call
For any questions on modern-day forklifts give us a call (513)842-2012, or send us an E-mail: 

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