Material Handling

Friday, February 23, 2018

Forklift Features That Keep Us Safe

Just imagine you’re whipping through the warehouse on your forklift, everything’s going great, and you’re getting things done! Then all of a sudden…eeek, you’re forced to make an emergency stop, and your forklift slowly starts tilting to the side, your mind starts racing…what do you do?! Forklifts are massive pieces of machinery, they generally weigh anywhere between 5,000-9,000 pounds! While knowing how to properly and cautiously drive a forklift can help to prevent accidents forklifts also come equipped with some safety features that can help you along the way!

How Much Do You Know?
1.     Forklifts have the potential to be incredibly dangerous.
a.     True
b.     False
2.     About how many forklift accidents occur each year?            
a.     10,000
b.     50,000
c.     100,000
3.     The ________ is/are an underrated safety feature.
a.     Brakes
b.     Horn
c.     Headlights
4.     Do forklifts come equipped with seat belts?
a.     Yes
b.     No
c.   Sometimes

Get This…
It’s no mystery that forklifts are massive pieces of machinery. Due to their weight and structure forklifts are prone to overturning and tipping over; this is the leading cause of death in involving forklifts. Because of this it is incredibly important to take proper safety precautions. Many forklift operators attempt to jump when their forklift is tipping over. This is never a good idea. More often than not people will get trapped under forklifts when trying to jump. Operators should remain seated in the event of a turnover. Although many operators prefer not to wear a seat belt this is an instance where the use of a seat belt would be beneficial and even lifesaving!

         Can You Answer This Question???
In the event that an item falls on the overhead guard of your forklift you should…
     A.    Jump from the forklift
     B.    Remain seated
     If an overhead load is to fall on your forklift it is always a good idea to remain seated in the forklift (B). Overhead guards are put in place specifically to protect forklift operators from falling objects. However, overhead guards are not necessarily built to withstand the fall of a full capacity load. Because of this they are designed to “crush and deflect,” meaning that if the impact of a load is too heavy the leg of the overhead guard that experiences the biggest impact will crush and deflect the load to the side of the forklift. This is why it is important to remain seated in the event of falling objects.

Get The Facts!
Did you know that an average sized forklift weighs as much as a dump truck?! That’s huge! Can you imagine trying to stop a dump truck? Due to the weight of forklifts and the weight of the materials they carry it takes them longer to stop than a regular vehicle. Trying to stop a forklift in an emergency can be difficult and coming to too quick of a stop can cause forklifts to tip over. This is something that is important for forklift operators and pedestrians to be aware of. One thing that can reduce the likelihood of an operators need to come to an emergency stop is the use of speed limits in warehouses. There are times when emergency stops are inevitable; however, forklifts do come equipped with a wonderful safety feature that is often times underutilized, the horn. Using the horn when you are backing up, entering isle ways, or around pedestrians is a great way to prevent emergency stops as well as accidents!

…So Call
For any questions or concerns regarding your material handling needs give us a call at (513) 842-2012 or e-mail us at! And don’t forget to keep an eye out for our next blog!


Thursday, February 8, 2018

A World Without Forklifts

Just imagine a world without forklifts? Nearly everything we purchase and consume has been touched by a forklift at some point. When you think about it forklifts are consistently taken for granted. But do you ever find yourself wondering why forklifts were invented in the first place? Well, read on to find out!  

How Much Do You Know?
1.     What year was the first forklift created?
a.     1910
b.     1917
c.     1925
2.     What was the first forklift called?                                             
a.     Tructractor
b.     Lift truck
c.     Liftractor
3.     Who is credited with introducing the first forklift?
a.     Baker
b.     Yale
c.     Clark

Get This…
The first forklift was created in 1917 and made for sale in 1918. Clark, which is still a reputable forklift manufacturer is often credited with this invention. The first forklift was not much of a forklift at all. It was called a tructractor and didn’t even utilize forks! However, it was used to haul wooden crates and other materials by setting them on the front of the truck. There were a select few companies interested in the tructractor for personal use, but what really caused the tructractor to gain popularity was WW1, where it was used to transport heavy materials such as guns and explosives.


Can You Answer This Question???
How many wheels did the tructractor have?
A.    2
B.    3
C.    4
The tructractor had a similar steering strategy as a modern-day forklift. The tructractor did however only have three wheels, but still utilized rear wheel drive. Only having three wheels allowed the tructractor to make tighter turns. The only issue with steering the tructractor is that it went in the opposite direction as the wheel was turned, causing confusion for many operators.

 Get The Facts!
As time went on more and more people saw an opportunity in forklift manufacturing. While new, and foreign manufacturers have occupied the forklift industry most of the original manufacturers still persist in today’s world of forklifts like, Clark, Hyster, and Crown. Even in today’s society forklifts are evolving and changing. New technologies have allowed forklifts to be incredibly productive and precise and will continue to be ever evolving. 

…So Call
For any questions on modern-day forklifts give us a call (513)842-2012, or send us an E-mail: