Material Handling

Thursday, January 18, 2018

New Year, New Business Strategies

With a new year comes new responsibilities and opportunities. From a business perspective the beginning of a new year is a great time to assess and implement changes that may need to be made to your company. So let’s take a look at how to start the new year off right!
How Much Do You Know?
1.     It’s a good idea to review your past year before planning your new year.
a.     True
b.     False
2.     Most small business owners are unable to…
a.     Delegate work
b.     Get focused after the holidays
c.     Keep employees
3.     Making ___________ a weekly event can be vital to business success.
a.     Customer reviews
b.     Planning
c.     Employee complaints
4.     It can be beneficial to set _______ goals.
a.     High
b.     Realistic
c.     Low

Get This…
Many businesses can’t tell you where their performance level is. Especially in the realm of finances. The problem with this is that you don’t know if you’re making progress if you don’t know where you are starting from. That’s why beginning the year by reviewing the past year is always a good idea! If you have a growing business looking into a CRM software (customer relationship management) to help manage your finances could be a good decision. For tips on choosing a CRM that fits your business use this link:

For a couple more quick tips on managing your business's finances check out this website!

Can You Answer This Question???
About ________ percent of consumers trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation.
A.    74
B.    84
C.    87
At one point in time people went to their neighbors for reviews and recommendations on companies and appliances. Nowadays more people are using the internet for their reviews, and it is shown that about 85% (B) of people trust online reviews as much as friend and family recommendations. This has the potential to be detrimental to a business, but why not take these online reviews and spin them into a positive? 
Get The Facts!
Another thing that can easily be overlooked in a business is promotion and advertising. There are so many ways to advertise that it can be tricky to decide what is best for your company. Here are some low-cost ideas for advertising your business:
1.     Promote through communication: Whenever you communicate via e-mail, mail, ect. include your business name, logo, and contact information. You can even add links on Facebook and other social media sites so that viewers and recipients can contact you!
2.     Promote through social media: Use all forms of social media to get the word out about your business and special offers.
3.     Write to promote your business: Getting articles published in blogs, newspapers, and magazines can be a great way to promote your business. This also showcases the knowledge that you and your employees possess. 
4.     Have fun to promote your business: It seems simple, but anything you do can be turned into an opportunity to promote your business. For example, if you love to play soccer ask your team to wear shirts with your company’s name and logo on the uniforms, you can even offer to have your company sponsor the team!
5.     Consider cross promotion: Buddy marketing can be a great inexpensive way to promote your business. It’s as simple as adding an extra paragraph in a flyer or putting a small ad along the side of your blog. In return the company you are promoting will also promote your business! This can help you reach potential markets that you have a hard time breaking into or don’t know about.

What do you think is important for businesses to keep in mind going into the new year? Let us know in the comments, we want to hear what you have to say!

…So Call
Start your year off right; if you have any questions relating to your material handling needs give us a call or shoot us an e-mail, (513) 842-2012,


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