Material Handling

Friday, October 13, 2017

A Life Full of Computers

Computers have become a huge part of our lives. It’s crazy to think that until relatively recently laptops didn’t even exist, people didn’t have a computer at their home, let alone multiple computers. Now nearly everyone walks around with laptops, smart phones, and iPads. But, we must ask ourselves, what good are all these devices if we can’t keep them organized?

 How Much Do You Know?
1.     In what year did computers become mainstream (or more common) in households?
a.     1970’s
b.     1980’s
c.     1990’s
2.     In what years were the PowerBook series of laptops introduced and discontinued?
a.     1982, 1996
b.     1987, 2001
c.     1992, 2006
3.     When will the once popular AIM Instant messenger products be discontinued?
a.     November 2017
b.     December 2017
c.     January 2018
4.      A well-organized computer goes hand and hand with efficiency.
a.     True
b.     False

Get This…
One of the most important things in organizing your computer is to use folders. I know this sounds basic, but people tend to keep throwing junk in the same spot. For me this spot happens to be in my downloads, just because that’s where all my saved items automatically go. I have to make a conscious effort to put certain files, pictures, and other things in separate, properly labeled folders. This can save you a ton of time! Making your computer usage that much more efficient! If you happen to have a file you use a lot you can even put it on your desktop for easy access. Here are four tips for keeping your computer organized:
1.     Make an organization plan and stick to it.
2.     Use properly labeled folders…and even subfolders.
3.     Backup and save all important documents in their proper places.
4.     Clear out and declutter your files, desktop, and e-mail on a regular basis. Trust me, you will feel so much better! 
Can You Answer This Question???
In 2003 what percentage of U.S. citizens used computers at work?
a.     45.8%
b.     32.5%
c.     55.5%
In 2003 it is reported by the U.S. department of labor that 77 million citizens used computers at work. These 77 million people made up 55.5% of the population, making C your correct answer.

Get The Facts!
It’s now easier than ever to save computer files. We no longer need floppy disks! Heck, we don’t even need flash drives! There are now programs like google drive, Evernote, and Skydrive that save directly from your computer to the cloud. Below is some more information on google drive, and the cloud!
Google Drive:
·       15 GB of space
·       Can upload files, folders, and music
·       Comes equipped with Google Docs, Sheets, and Forms
·       Able to upload and sync files like Microsoft Office
·       Ability to share Google Drive files with other people (Makes working on group projects a breeze)
·       Will encrypt important data that is sent to cloud
·       Saves to internet in case of computer crashes
The Cloud:
·       Made up of a network of servers
·       Things are automatically uploaded to the cloud once they are put on social media forums
·       Google Drive, Skydrive, and Evernote automatically updates to the cloud (some of these companies will encrypt important data)
·       By using the cloud companies only pay for what they use, not a whole software package

…So What do you think?
Let us know what you think about online storage, and which programs your company uses in the comments! We love feedback. 

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