Material Handling

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Don't Wait! Don't Procrastinate!

Some of us are bigger procrastinators than others. A lot of this procrastination begins when we know that there is a big project ahead of us. This can be prevented by doing small portions of a project along the way; instead of waiting until something must be done! The same thing goes for forklift maintenance. A lot of us don’t want to keep up on it and would rather wait until there is a major issue to take action in fixing thier forklifts. This can end up taking more time, costing more money, and not to mention the stress and safety issues that are involved. So, regular cleaning and maintenance is a good idea when it comes to industrial machinery! 
How Much Do You Know?
1.     A frequently used forklift should have its fluids checked…
a.     Everyday
b.     Every other day
c.     Every week
2.     Ignoring low cost maintenance can cost you more in the long run.  
a.     True
b.     False
3.     It’s important to keep forklifts clean so that…
a.     There isn’t as much to clean the next time
b.     You can locate all the things you normally keep on a forklift, like tools
c.     You can easily detect parts that may need maintenance

Get This…
Not everything on a forklift needs to be checked daily, but some things do! Here is a small list of things that should be checked everyday!
1.     Inspect for leaks
2.     Look for clear signs of damage                        
3.     Check the tire condition                                             
4.     Make sure all lights are working
5.     Test the brakes, horn, and steering wheel
6.     Raise and lower forks to check the mast
7.     Check all fluids!!!

Can You Answer This Question???
What is the best way to wash an electric forklift?
a.     With a water hose
b.     With compressed air
c.     With a bucket of soap and water
Electric forklifts can be wiped down with water in certain areas. However, due to the fact that these trucks are electric, it is not a good idea to spray them with a hose. Instead the best way to clean electric trucks is to use compressed air, making B your answer.
How do you clean an electric forklift?
Get The Facts!
Keeping forklifts and other machinery in pristine shape can save time and money. So make sure to keep things clean, and that you are performing regular maintenance checks! You won’t regret being proactive, but you will regret putting things off and having it cost you in the end!

…So Call
Omega performs a wide range of maintenance checks! All of our mechanics are more than qualified to inspect your forklifts and refill fluids. So...if you need us to come check out your truck give us a call (513) 842-2012!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Fuel Your Forklift

There are many different fuel types that forklifts can use. One of which isn’t even fuel at all, but electrictricity. Electric trucks are fairly common and have a lot of benefits. Of course, electric trucks require a battery to run, so knowing about battery maintenance and charging is key to keeping these trucks in good working condition!
How Much Do You Know?
1.     Not all electric trucks use the same batteries.
a.     True
b.     False
2.     Batteries with different voltage require different battery chargers.
a.     True
b.     False
3.     What are the two most common colored connectors for industrial battery chargers?
a.     Red and green
b.     Blue and orange
c.     Grey and Red
4.     Both forklift batteries and battery chargers are incredibly heavy.     
a.     True
b.     False

Get This…
Charging your battery correctly can help prolong its lifespan! Here are a couple of Do’s and Don’ts of charging your forklift’s battery.

Don’t Do This
·       Make sure not to over discharge your battery. Batteries should be charged well before they are dead.
·       Do not charge your battery when it is not needed. Wait to charge your forklift’s battery when you can charge it completely.

Do This
·       Always charge batteries in a well-ventilated area.
·       It benefits your battery to let it have a full charge cycle after every 8 hours of using the forklift. 

Can You Answer This Question???
One way a forklift’s battery preserves itself is by saying it has 0% charge when in actuality it still contains 30% charge.
a.     True
b.     False
It is incredibly harmful for a forklift battery to be completely uncharged, this is called deep-cycling and will shorten the life of your battery. Because of this many forklifts will say that they are at 0% battery power when they are really at 20%, giving the operator a chance to charge the battery before it is fully dead. So, if you chose False you are correct. If you chose true, at least you are on the right track!

Get The Facts!
Changing forklift batteries may seem like an easy job, but there are some hazards when partaking in this kind of activity. Not only are forklift batteries incredibly heavy, but they also contain sulfuric acid which can burn your eyes and skin, along with other things that can make this process dangerous. Here are some quick tips when changing your forklifts battery.
1.     Make sure your forklift is parked with the engine off!
2.     Make sure you are changing the battery in a smoke free zone with plenty of space.
3.     Wear protective gear, like glasses, and possibly gloves.
4.     You may need a conveyor or overhead hoist to help lift the battery due to their weight.
5.     Battery covers should be open to allow heat to dissipate.
6.     Make sure that the reinstalled battery is in the proper position and secure in the forklift!
7.     Double check to make sure no tools are left on or around the forklift battery.    
    …So Call
      We service and sell a wide range of forklifts as well as forklift batteries and their chargers   so if you  have questions give us a call or shoot us an e-mail!
Call: (513) 842-2012

Multiple Choice Answers: 1/A, 2/A, 3/C, 4/A

Friday, October 13, 2017

A Life Full of Computers

Computers have become a huge part of our lives. It’s crazy to think that until relatively recently laptops didn’t even exist, people didn’t have a computer at their home, let alone multiple computers. Now nearly everyone walks around with laptops, smart phones, and iPads. But, we must ask ourselves, what good are all these devices if we can’t keep them organized?

 How Much Do You Know?
1.     In what year did computers become mainstream (or more common) in households?
a.     1970’s
b.     1980’s
c.     1990’s
2.     In what years were the PowerBook series of laptops introduced and discontinued?
a.     1982, 1996
b.     1987, 2001
c.     1992, 2006
3.     When will the once popular AIM Instant messenger products be discontinued?
a.     November 2017
b.     December 2017
c.     January 2018
4.      A well-organized computer goes hand and hand with efficiency.
a.     True
b.     False

Get This…
One of the most important things in organizing your computer is to use folders. I know this sounds basic, but people tend to keep throwing junk in the same spot. For me this spot happens to be in my downloads, just because that’s where all my saved items automatically go. I have to make a conscious effort to put certain files, pictures, and other things in separate, properly labeled folders. This can save you a ton of time! Making your computer usage that much more efficient! If you happen to have a file you use a lot you can even put it on your desktop for easy access. Here are four tips for keeping your computer organized:
1.     Make an organization plan and stick to it.
2.     Use properly labeled folders…and even subfolders.
3.     Backup and save all important documents in their proper places.
4.     Clear out and declutter your files, desktop, and e-mail on a regular basis. Trust me, you will feel so much better! 
Can You Answer This Question???
In 2003 what percentage of U.S. citizens used computers at work?
a.     45.8%
b.     32.5%
c.     55.5%
In 2003 it is reported by the U.S. department of labor that 77 million citizens used computers at work. These 77 million people made up 55.5% of the population, making C your correct answer.

Get The Facts!
It’s now easier than ever to save computer files. We no longer need floppy disks! Heck, we don’t even need flash drives! There are now programs like google drive, Evernote, and Skydrive that save directly from your computer to the cloud. Below is some more information on google drive, and the cloud!
Google Drive:
·       15 GB of space
·       Can upload files, folders, and music
·       Comes equipped with Google Docs, Sheets, and Forms
·       Able to upload and sync files like Microsoft Office
·       Ability to share Google Drive files with other people (Makes working on group projects a breeze)
·       Will encrypt important data that is sent to cloud
·       Saves to internet in case of computer crashes
The Cloud:
·       Made up of a network of servers
·       Things are automatically uploaded to the cloud once they are put on social media forums
·       Google Drive, Skydrive, and Evernote automatically updates to the cloud (some of these companies will encrypt important data)
·       By using the cloud companies only pay for what they use, not a whole software package

…So What do you think?
Let us know what you think about online storage, and which programs your company uses in the comments! We love feedback. 

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

OSHA Violations Can Be Spooky, Don't Let Them Scare You!

We’ve mentioned OSHA before in our blog, but as the season changes it’s important for us to bring OSHA’s standards back into the spotlight. New challenges can arise with the new season, but don’t let this catch you off guard!  

How Much Do You Know?
1. What does OSHA stand for?
               a.     Ohio Safety and Health Administration
               b.     Occupational Safety and Health Administration
               c.     Origin of Safety and Health Administration  
2. Changing seasons can highlight different OSHA standards and violations.
               a.     True
               b.     False
3. What is OSHA responsible for?
               a.     To oversee minimal health and safety for workers
               b.     To oversee maximum health and safety for workers
               c.     To oversee health and safety for state workers
4. OSHA oversees a wide range of business types.
               a.     True
               b.     False

Get This…
Recently OSHA revealed their top ten fall violations for 2017! Currently this list is preliminary, and not all violations have been added to OSHA’s official reporting system. Some of these violations may not affect your business directly, but knowing what kinds of things OSHA is keeping an eye out for can be very beneficial for business owners and workers alike. Violations include:
1.     Construction: Unprotected edges, open sides in residential construction, and inadequate or no fall protection on low-slope roofs.
2.     Scaffolding: Lack of proper access to surfaces, and guard rails.
3.     Hazard Communication: Lack of data safety sheets and absence of a hazard communication program (this is the most common violation).
4.     Fall Training Requirements: Failure to educate workers on fall protection equipment and how to locate and identify fall hazards.  
5.     Respiratory Protection: Not establishing respiratory protection programs, along with failure to provide medical screenings and evaluations.
6.     Construction Ladders: Use of damaged ladders, and improper use of ladders, like using the top step.
7.     Guarding Machines: Access to points of operation.
8.     Electrical Wiring Maintenance and Methods: These violations are usually seen in basic industries, like food and retail.
9.     Lockout/Tagout: Lack of adequate worker training, and incomplete inspections.
10.  Powered Industrial Trucks: Inadequate worker training and re-certification. WE CAN HELP YOU WITH THIS!!!
As you can see, most of these violations are preventable with a little bit of education and maintenance! 
Can You Answer This Question???
Willful or repeated violations can cause companies anywhere from $_______ to $ _______.
A.    20,000 to 50,000 total
B.    20,000 to 50,000 per violation
C.    70,000 to 124,709 total
D.    70,000 to 124,709 per violation
The answer may be surprising, but D is correct. Obviously, this cost is astronomical. It is much more cost effective to stay up on OSHA rules and regulations. Not to mention, it’s just a lot less hassle!

Get The Facts!
OSHA violations and regulations sound like a scary thing, and they can be! So don’t procrastinate, prepare. All of these issues are very preventable. If you want to know more about how the OSHA inspection process works, check out the link below! 

…So Call!!!
Give us a call about our driver training and re-certification program. There’s no better time than the present! Dave will be happy to answer any of your questions at: (513) 842-2012.