Material Handling

Friday, December 28, 2018

Make Your Vehicle Radiate

With the ever-changing seasons it’s important to stay up on your vehicle’s maintenance, whether that be a car or a forklift. Radiators are a piece of machinery that are often mentioned when talking about vehicle repair, but what is their purpose? 

How Much Do You Know?
1.     How often should you perform a radiator flush on your forklift?
a.     Once a year
b.     Frequency depends on forklift use and type of antifreeze used
c.     Every five years
2.     What time of year is it most beneficial to flush my forklift’s radiator?
a.     In the summer
b.     In the winter
c.     In summer and winter, both for different reasons
3.     A radiator flush can ensure that your engine doesn’t __________.
a.     Freeze
b.     Overheat
c.     A & B
4.     Many types of antifreeze are naturally corrosive, which makes radiator flushes an essential part of maintenance.
a.     True
b.     False
5.     What two liquids are used inside a radiator?   

a.     Antifreeze and oil
b.     Water and antifreeze
c.     Oil and water

Get This…
Radiators are a very important piece of machinery. Most people think about their vehicle’s radiator in the summer months. This is because people typically think of radiators as something that keeps your engine cool. However, radiator maintenance is arguably urgent in the winter. While the radiator does keep your vehicle cool, it also keeps your vehicle from freezing and cracking.

Get The Facts!
If you’re anything like me, you may be wondering if there is a difference between a radiator flush and draining your radiator. The short answer to this question is yes. When your radiator gets flushed nearly all of the antifreeze is removed. However, when you have your radiator drained only about 50% of the antifreeze is taken out. Simply draining your radiator poses a few problems. One is the fact that not all of the particles in your radiator will be disposed of. The other is that when you add antifreeze back into your radiator you will then be mixing it with the old leftover antifreeze. Mixing antifreeze is not recommended. You can learn more about this topic in a previous blog:
Here are some of the benefits of doing a full flush:
·       Removes 100% of old antifreeze out of your radiator
·       Removes rust and other deposits
·       Antifreeze additives lubricate water pump
       ·       Protects against rust and foam 

…So Call
If you’re interested in having your forklift’s radiator flushed you're in luck, we can help! Call us at (513) 842-2012, or E-mail us at
Answers: 1/B 2/C 3/C 4/B 5/B