Material Handling

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Let Us Answer It

There are always questions that seem impossible to answer. So today we are going to base our blog on frequently asked questions about your forklift!

How Much Do You Know?
1.     Who can certify forklift operators?
a.     Any business owner
b.     Someone with adequate knowledge, experience, and training
c.     A member of OSHA
2.     How often must operators be certified?
a.     Every year
b.     Every two years
c.     Every three years
3.     Is training for every different forklift make and model required?
a.     Yes, because all forklift makes and models vary
b.     No, but training is required for different types and styles of forklifts
4.     Is a written exam alone enough to certify a forklift operator?
a.     Yes, a written exam is all that is required
b.     No, a discussion, written test, and driving test are required
5.     Are forklift operators required to have a valid driver’s license?
a.     No
b.     Yes
6.     Does OSHA require a set speed limit for forklift operators?       
a.     Yes, it is 5 miles per hour
                  b.   No, but some companies may have set speed limits in place     

Get This…
A question that I often get when visiting with customers is whether or not their powered industrial trucks are required to have backup beepers and/or warning lights. The answer to this question isn’t as straight forward than some of the others. Your forklift is required to have some sort of sound-making device to alert people that the truck will be approaching. Typically, this device is the truck’s horn. However, if an employer finds it necessary to have an additional warning system in place then it is the responsibility of that employer to enforce this requirement.

Can You Answer This Question???

Is it better to get a truck with a higher capacity than you need for reassurance?
A.    It’s always a good idea to have extra reassurance.
B.    It isn’t needed if you know the capacity of the product you are lifting 
Purchasing a forklift with a higher capacity than needed is not necessary. However, it is important to remember as your height increases your capacity decreases. Therefore, if you do end up purchasing a forklift with a higher capacity than needed make sure that the measurements of the forklift still fit your company’s needs. This makes B your best answer.

Get The Facts!
It seems that more and more people are wearing headphones during working hours. In an office setting this isn’t a big deal, but what about people working around heavy machinery, or operating it? While OSHA does not have a set standard to whether or not forklift operators are permitted to use headphones, it is not recommended. This is for the obvious reasons. Often times when people are listening to headphones they are drowning out the noise around them blocking the sound of alarms, or people giving direction. 

…So Call
If you still have questions, feel free to post them in the comments or reach out to us via E-mail ( or by phone (513-842-2012). Thanks for tuning into our blog! Have an awesome weekend.

ANSWERS: 1/B, 2/C, 3/B, 4/B, 5/A, 6/B