Material Handling

Friday, December 28, 2018

Make Your Vehicle Radiate

With the ever-changing seasons it’s important to stay up on your vehicle’s maintenance, whether that be a car or a forklift. Radiators are a piece of machinery that are often mentioned when talking about vehicle repair, but what is their purpose? 

How Much Do You Know?
1.     How often should you perform a radiator flush on your forklift?
a.     Once a year
b.     Frequency depends on forklift use and type of antifreeze used
c.     Every five years
2.     What time of year is it most beneficial to flush my forklift’s radiator?
a.     In the summer
b.     In the winter
c.     In summer and winter, both for different reasons
3.     A radiator flush can ensure that your engine doesn’t __________.
a.     Freeze
b.     Overheat
c.     A & B
4.     Many types of antifreeze are naturally corrosive, which makes radiator flushes an essential part of maintenance.
a.     True
b.     False
5.     What two liquids are used inside a radiator?   

a.     Antifreeze and oil
b.     Water and antifreeze
c.     Oil and water

Get This…
Radiators are a very important piece of machinery. Most people think about their vehicle’s radiator in the summer months. This is because people typically think of radiators as something that keeps your engine cool. However, radiator maintenance is arguably urgent in the winter. While the radiator does keep your vehicle cool, it also keeps your vehicle from freezing and cracking.

Get The Facts!
If you’re anything like me, you may be wondering if there is a difference between a radiator flush and draining your radiator. The short answer to this question is yes. When your radiator gets flushed nearly all of the antifreeze is removed. However, when you have your radiator drained only about 50% of the antifreeze is taken out. Simply draining your radiator poses a few problems. One is the fact that not all of the particles in your radiator will be disposed of. The other is that when you add antifreeze back into your radiator you will then be mixing it with the old leftover antifreeze. Mixing antifreeze is not recommended. You can learn more about this topic in a previous blog:
Here are some of the benefits of doing a full flush:
·       Removes 100% of old antifreeze out of your radiator
·       Removes rust and other deposits
·       Antifreeze additives lubricate water pump
       ·       Protects against rust and foam 

…So Call
If you’re interested in having your forklift’s radiator flushed you're in luck, we can help! Call us at (513) 842-2012, or E-mail us at
Answers: 1/B 2/C 3/C 4/B 5/B 

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Let Us Answer It

There are always questions that seem impossible to answer. So today we are going to base our blog on frequently asked questions about your forklift!

How Much Do You Know?
1.     Who can certify forklift operators?
a.     Any business owner
b.     Someone with adequate knowledge, experience, and training
c.     A member of OSHA
2.     How often must operators be certified?
a.     Every year
b.     Every two years
c.     Every three years
3.     Is training for every different forklift make and model required?
a.     Yes, because all forklift makes and models vary
b.     No, but training is required for different types and styles of forklifts
4.     Is a written exam alone enough to certify a forklift operator?
a.     Yes, a written exam is all that is required
b.     No, a discussion, written test, and driving test are required
5.     Are forklift operators required to have a valid driver’s license?
a.     No
b.     Yes
6.     Does OSHA require a set speed limit for forklift operators?       
a.     Yes, it is 5 miles per hour
                  b.   No, but some companies may have set speed limits in place     

Get This…
A question that I often get when visiting with customers is whether or not their powered industrial trucks are required to have backup beepers and/or warning lights. The answer to this question isn’t as straight forward than some of the others. Your forklift is required to have some sort of sound-making device to alert people that the truck will be approaching. Typically, this device is the truck’s horn. However, if an employer finds it necessary to have an additional warning system in place then it is the responsibility of that employer to enforce this requirement.

Can You Answer This Question???

Is it better to get a truck with a higher capacity than you need for reassurance?
A.    It’s always a good idea to have extra reassurance.
B.    It isn’t needed if you know the capacity of the product you are lifting 
Purchasing a forklift with a higher capacity than needed is not necessary. However, it is important to remember as your height increases your capacity decreases. Therefore, if you do end up purchasing a forklift with a higher capacity than needed make sure that the measurements of the forklift still fit your company’s needs. This makes B your best answer.

Get The Facts!
It seems that more and more people are wearing headphones during working hours. In an office setting this isn’t a big deal, but what about people working around heavy machinery, or operating it? While OSHA does not have a set standard to whether or not forklift operators are permitted to use headphones, it is not recommended. This is for the obvious reasons. Often times when people are listening to headphones they are drowning out the noise around them blocking the sound of alarms, or people giving direction. 

…So Call
If you still have questions, feel free to post them in the comments or reach out to us via E-mail ( or by phone (513-842-2012). Thanks for tuning into our blog! Have an awesome weekend.

ANSWERS: 1/B, 2/C, 3/B, 4/B, 5/A, 6/B

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Check It Before You Wreck It

How many of us actually do a pre-use forklift inspection? I’m sure less of us than we’d like to admit. However, these checks are incredibly important to protect your business and your operators!

How Much Do You Know?
.     Is performing a forklift check before use mandated by OSHA?
a.     Yes
b.     No
2    .     How often should a pre-use forklift examination occur?
a.     Every shift change
b.     Daily
c.     Before use whenever changing operators
3    .     What must you check when going through your pre-use checklist?
a.     Mast, tires, lights
b.     Tires, lights, brakes
c.     There are no OSHA requirements on what specifically needs to be checked

Get This…
A visual inspection of your forklift is to be done at least daily before forklifts are put to use. A visual inspection should include:
             ·       Fluid levels including: oil, water, and hydraulic fluid
             ·       Tire condition and pressure
             ·       Leaks, cracks, or any other noticeable defects in mast chains, ect.
             ·       Load backrest extension
             ·       Fork condition
             ·       Nameplates and safety decals
             ·       Operator compartment
After doing a physical inspection of your forklift it is just as important if not more important to do an operation check. Things you should look for during the operational check include:
·       Brakes
·       Steering
·       Drive control, tilt control, hoist and lowering control, and attachment control
·       Horn
·       Lights
·       Back up alarm
·       Hour meter

Can You Answer This Question???
Is there an OSHA regulation for maintaining checklist documents?
A.    Yes
B.    No
Although OSHA requires you to perform a pre-use check they do not currently require companies to create and keep paperwork on pre-use inspections. With that said it is a good idea to keep pre-use documentation in case an accident is to occur. It is recommended that any paperwork created for forklift checks is kept for at least a month.

Get The Facts!
It can be tough to tell when your forks and tires actually need to be replaced. So, check out these videos for a more in depth look!

…So Call
If you’re unsure how to perform a pre-use check on your forklift give us a call! We’ll have one of our knowledgeable team members come out and walk you through it. You can reach Omega Material Handling at (513) 842-2012, or by sending an e-mail to

Answers: 1/A 2/B 3/C 4/B

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Just Attach Them!

Forklifts are a great tool! If you think about it, the invention of forklifts has formed the industrialized world we now live in. As helpful as forklifts have already proven to be, did you know that you can mold them to be even more helpful? Forklift attachments allow you to pick up a wide variety of shapes and sizes! Continue reading our blog to see what kind of attachments are available!
How Much Do You Know?
1.     Some companies require attachments for their forklifts.
a.     True
b.     False
2.     Adding an attachment to your forklift will reduce its capacity.
a.     True
b.     False
3.     A _________ is attached to a forklift to inform the operator how much weight can safely lifted. 
a.     Name plate
b.     Capacity plate
c.     Data plate
d.     All of the above
4.     A forklift attachment requires its own name plate.
a.     True
b.     False
Get This…
There are several different types of attachments you can put on your forklift! Here is a quick list of the most common types of forklift attachments:
1.     Clamps: Allows quick and precise product handling

     2.     Side Shifters: Allows you to move forks/pallet from side to side
     3.     Multiple Load Handlers: Makes it possible to carry and side shift multiple pallets at once
     4.     Fork Positioners: Allows operators to move forks quickly and efficiently. Usually used in instances where different width pallets are needed.
     5.     Push Pulls: Helpful with pallet-less loads usually pulled from vans and small trailers.
     6.     Load Rotators: Useful when dumping loads.
     7.     Forklift Extensions: Increases the length of your forklifts.
Forklift attachments can be a very useful tool! Just make sure your forklift can handle it!

Can You Answer This Question???
Do forklift attachments impact your forklifts capacity? If yes, how so?
a.     Adding an attachment does not impact a forklift’s capacity
b.     Adding an attachment reduces your capacity, in addition to moving the load center further from the forklift
c.     Adding an attachment reduces the capacity, in addition to moving the load center closer to the forklift
d.      Adding an attachment increases the weight of your forklift, therefore increasing the capacity
Although many people don’t put much thought into it, forklift attachments do add weight to your truck. It’s not only important to know that attachments add weight to your truck, but it is also important to think about where that weight is being added, which in this case is on the front of your truck. So, if you chose B then you are correct! This doesn’t mean that using forklift attachments is a bad thing, it just means be aware of your forklift’s capacity with and without an attachment.
Get The Facts!
It can be hard to believe, but it is required by federal law to have a nameplate that accurately states your forklifts capacity when an attachment is in use. It’s not only a good idea to utilize these name plates because it is the law, but it will also keep your operators informed and aware of risks such as tipping.
…So Call
To order a new or updated name plate just contact us! You can reach us by phone at (513) 842-2012 or by e-mail at

ANSWERS: 1.) a 2.) a 3.) d 4.) a 5.) b

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Build A Better Business with the BBB

Make your business even better with the BBB! Many of us have heard of the BBB, and some of us even use the BBB’s services quite a bit. One of the BBB’s main missions is to create a safe, trustworthy, marketplace for consumers. In doing so the BBB realizes the importance of helping businesses excel and uphold standards. So, for those of you that haven’t taken advantage of the BBB’s resources…you should!

How Much Do You Know?
1.     What does BBB stand for?
a.     Bureau of Better Business
b.     Better Business Bureau
c.     Bureaucracy of Better Businesses
2.     The mission of the BBB is to…
a.     Set standards for market place trust
b.     Celebrate market place role models

 c.     Create a community of trustworthy businesses
d.     All the above
3.       Altering the BBB seal’s font, color, and outline is legal and acceptable.
a.     True
b.     False

Get This…
One of the BBB’s primary goals is to build trust within businesses and communities. To uphold this commitment the BBB has created eight standards for trust:
1.     Build Trust: Establish a positive repertoire in the marketplace.
2.     Tell the Truth: Honestly showcase your products and services.
3.     Honest Advertisement: Align advertisement with established standards.
4.     Transparency: Clearly disclose all information that pertains to the business, standards, and procedures that may influence a customer’s decision to buy.
5.     Be Responsive: Handle disputes quickly and in a professional manner.
6.     Honor Promises: Adhere to all written and verbal agreements.
7.     Integrity: Encounter all business dealings and commitments with integrity.
8.     Privacy: Safeguard any collected personal data, and respect consumers regarding the use of their personal information.

Can You Answer This Question???

Small businesses are at the same risk of cyber attacks as large businesses.
A.    True
B.    False
Although many small businesses don’t think they are susceptible to cyber-attacks the BBB explains that this is incorrect, making A your answer. As a small business there are several steps one can take to safeguard your company from cyber-attacks. Here are some things that the BBB suggests:
·       Secure your networks
·       Protect against viruses, spyware, and other codes
·       Educate employees about cyberthreats and hold them accountable
·       Establish security practices and policies to protect sensitive information
·       Require employees to use strong passwords and to frequently change them
·       Make backup copies of important business data and information
·       Control physical access to computers and network components
Click this link to learn about digital spring cleaning: Click This

Get The Facts!
Did you know that social media makes a fabulous marketing tool? The BBB sure thinks so! Not only is social media a great way to promote your brand, but it’s also a good way to communicate and get feedback on your company’s products and services. In fact, about 71% of consumers who engage in a positive social media experience with a company are likely to recommend it ( Being diligent about communicating with consumers through social media outlets is a must and has the ability to take your business to new levels.
Check this out for social media marketing stats and tools: Check It

…So Call
Omega Material Handling is proud to be a member of the BBB! For any and all of your material handling needs contact us at (513) 842-2012 or

Answers: 1/b, 2/d, 3/b