Material Handling

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Spring Into Action With Spring Cleaning!

The term “spring cleaning” is nothing new; I’ve heard my grandma use it thousands of times! Although the term “spring cleaning” may be a little outdated, the importance and the urge to clean once spring rolls around still remains. Being able to efficiently clean and organize things is helpful in our everyday lives as well as in our business lives. That is why touching up on organization skills, strategies, and tools is never a bad thing!

How Much Do You Know?    
1.  Organization and efficiency go hand in hand?
A.     True
B.     False
C.     Sometimes
2.     What is a major benefit of using warehouse shelving?
A.     To keep inventory.
B.     To keep things in a systematic, easy to find order.
C.     To keep things out of the way of forklifts, ect.
D.    All of the above.
3.     How can organization and efficiency improve trust within a company?
A.     Trust has to do with personal issues; it should not interfere with business.
B.     Being organized gives people clear goals making them reliable and responsible, making you and others more trustworthy business-wise.
C.     Being able to get things done quickly makes it so people can trust you, and so you can trust them.
4.     There are multiple options when it comes to choosing warehouse shelving.
A.     True
B.     False
5.     LIFO stands for:
A.     Lift it floor out
B.     Last in first out
C.     Lift in first out
D.    Last in first on

Get This…
There are many different types of warehouse shelving and racking systems. It’s important to look at shelving options and decide which is best for your company’s layout and workload.  Some of these shelving options include:
·      Selective pallet rack
o   Uses horizontal and vertical beams to create shelves
o   Uses multiple levels
·      Drive-in and drive-through pallet rack
o   Allows forklifts to drive into shelving area.
o   Often times used for storing a large amount of a single product.   
·      Push-back pallet racking
o   Pallets are put onto wheels
o   As pallets exit they are pushed back   

Can You Answer This Question???
Is there a correlation between organization and stress levels in the workplace?
   A.     Yes, clutter stresses people out!  
   B.    No, all people work differently.

If you selected A then you are correct! While everybody works well in different environments, studies show that a more organized workplace can keep employees at ease and able to work in a more successful fashion, making them less stressed. So decide, which one are you, and which do you aspire to be?
Get The Facts!
Organization is important in many aspects of life. At work or at home being well organized can make all the difference in productivity. Some people might think that being organized in a warehouse is less important than in, lets say, the office. However, it is proven that businesses and warehouses are more efficient when there is some sort of systematic organization. So let us help you become a more productive work environment! Not only will you be glad, but so will your employees!

Actual Example of our Work!!!!!!
…So Call Us!

Omega’s staff has been installing warehouse shelving since the beginning, in 2004! In addition to the 13 years of experience since Omega has been open, many of our employees have over a decade of additional experience in shelving installation. So it’s safe to say we’re pretty much experts at this point! We suggest that you allow us to come to your facility and check things out; so that we can give you our recommendation on what type of shelving will work best for your company! As always our number is (513) 842-2012, give us a call!