Material Handling

Friday, January 27, 2017

Are You In The Clear?

With the New Year come new responsibilities. Things we’ve put off for far too long need to get finished! Being a business owner, important house keeping tasks can slip our mind, but don’t let renewing your employees’ driver training be one of them!

How much do you know?
1.    The average fine for not being trained and certified is:                         
            A. $700.00 per employee.
            B. $1,000.00 per employee.
            C. $10,000.00 per employee.
2.  Forklift drivers are required to be trained/retrained every:
            A. Year
            B. Once in awhile
            C. Every 3 years
3. Only employees that have “forklift operation” as a primary job function need to be trained and certified:
            A. True
            B. False
4.  If you have employees that have been with you and operating a forklift for more than five years without an accident they don’t need to be trained:
            A. True
            B. False

Get This…
Forklift drivers are required by OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) to be re-trained and certified every three years.
 Failure to keep up on driver trainings can lead to various penalties and fines, In many cases business owners have been required to pay $10,000 per person in fines!

Can You Answer This Question???
Must employees be trained according to a forklift’s specific make and model?

   A.     Of course! Every forklift make and model varies greatly in the way it is operated!
   B.     Sort of! Different types of forklifts require different training. Example: sit down vs. stand up.
   C.     No way! All forklifts drive similarly.

If you chose B as your answer you are correct! That is why Omega has taken their time in creating an extensive training program to keep you and your employees safe and certified!

Time for a True Story:
Omega’s clientele reaches companies large and small, however they are all required to follow OSHA standards. One customer of Omega’s has about eight dedicated employees. After years of sticking with the same crew, the company decided to add another individual to their team. After a while the company realized that this new individual was not a good fit, and he was let go.
            If you’re a business owner you probably know that this happens more often then one would like to admit, but instead of going his own way the disgruntled employee marched straight to OSHA. After being turned in for an unsafe work environment, an OSHA representative was sent out to the company. All employees, even the receptionist, were asked if they had driven forklifts for the company. Unfortunately, all the employees replied, “yes” to driving the forklift however, they had not been properly trained and certified. This resulted in a $10,000 fine per employee! The fine was reduced to $700 per employee, if they could be trained within the next 30 days!
            This customer lost $5,600 from their own pocket! Now you tell me, do you think the risk is worth the future cost and aggravation???... Not when you could look this happy!!!

So Don’t Wait!
Omega can help your business with all their driver training needs! Driver training classes include:
       Lecture and Discussion, which include OSHA requirements and regulations, as well as individualized business concerns.
      A written test, showing certain material was covered and understood.
      A driving test to show that knowledge learned in discussion can be applied to real life.


For more information call Dave at, (513)-266-3066. Driver training classes are quick and easy to set up. They are not only required, but well worth the investment!